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  Proclear 1 Day Multifocal 30 pk replaced by 90 pk

US $97.99

90 lenses per box

US orders are shipped from US warehouse; Canadian orders are shipped from Canada warehouse. No customs delay.
Qty Power (Sphere) Diameter Curve
Right Eye (OD)
Left Eye (OS)
Rx Help

SaveOnLens is a contact lens replacement center. We can only sell you contact lenses that have been prescribed by your eye care practitioner within the last year, and with which you are wearing successfully. By continuing with the order you confirm that you are successfully wearing the selected lenses for which you have a valid prescription.

Product Info.
Cooper Vision has discontinued the Proclear 1 Day Multifocal 30pk

CooperVision Proclear 1 day multifocal lenses offer the convenience of a daily disposable lens for the full-time or occasional wearer, along with all-day comfort and high performance for patients who want an overall, more natural visual experience.
The center-near aspheric design and simplified fitting approach make it easier to *select* the right lens for patients in all stages of presbyopia—whether they are emerging or existing presbyopes. Proclear 1 day multifocal lenses are offered in a broad power range and are designed with a single power profile. With the use of a near boost in the non-dominant eye, the lens can accommodate patients up to +2.50 ADD.
Proclear 1 day multifocal lenses are manufactured with PC Technology, a unique lens material that attracts and maintains moisture, thus reducing dryness. The lenses feature sphere powers from +6.00 to –10.00 (0.50 steps after -6.00); a base curve of 8.7 mm; and a diameter of 14.2 mm. The lens is designed with a single power profile that can accommodate patients up to +2.50 ADD power.

Material: omafilcon A with Blue handling Tint
Water Content: 60%
Center Thickness: .09mm (@-3.00)
dk value: 25
Availability: Factory Order processing time of normally 10-17 business days before ship. No cancellations or returns once ordered from manufacturer.

Cooper Vision

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