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Laser Eye Surgery

 Laser eye surgery can correct common vision problems. With refined techniques and specialty equipment. These procedures generally involves the reshaping of the cornea to alter the way and place light enters the eye. Results are usually favorable with these procedures, however patients may not achieve the perfect vision they want. In these cases, patients may want to wear contact lenses or glasses. Even if patients have worn contact lenses before the surgery, they will require a new prescription and new fitting due to changes in the eye. The new prescription may be for soft or disposable contact lenses in a specialty variety because of altered eye and cornea shape.


Photorefractive Keratectomy
Photorefractive Keratectomy or PRK is a recent eye surgery development, where the shape of the cornea is modified. Where the older procedures used the surgeons scalpel to make cuts into the cornea of the eye, PKR uses an excimer laser to sculpt the cornea.

The area covered by the laser is approximately 5 - 9 millimeters in diameter, and removes from 5 - 30% of the cornea depth. By reducing the invasiveness of the procedure, the practitioner can make very detailed changes to the cornea, and there is little trauma to the cornea and surrounding eye tissue.

Because of the advancements in this laser sculpting technology, there are other applications that can treat Myopia, Hyperopia, and some types of Astigmatism.

Only your eye care practitioner can help you decide is this surgery is right for you. Your eye care professional can discuss the benefits, and the safety and health risks, involved in this and any other procedure.


LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. It is a procedure that changes the shape of the patient cornea using an excimer laser. This procedure can provide permanent changes to the eye and therefore permanent changes to vision.

In LASIK surgery, a knife called a microkeratome is used to cut the cornea. This cut produces a thin flap of cornea that is 'hinged' on one side. The laser then removes a thin layer of material under the flap, and the flap is replaced and allowed to heal.

As with any surgery, there are risks involved. Discuss this procedure with your eye care professional if you have any questions.


Laser Thermokeratoplasty

Laser Thermokeratoplasty or LTK is a laser eye surgery for people with Hyperopia or farsightedness. In this procedure, the laser is used to heat small dot like areas on the cornea. This causes the cornea to expand and reshape.

For these and other eye surgery options, contact your eye care practitioner.

SaveOnLens is a contact lens replacement center. We can only sell you contact lenses that have been prescribed by your eye care practitioner within the last year, and with which you are wearing successfully. By continuing with the order you confirm that you are successfully wearing the selected lenses for which you have a valid prescription.
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